
tree plate Learn more about tree plate

  • Introduction to bonsai appreciation

    Introduction to bonsai appreciation

    First, the first condition of the root plate fine bonsai is the root plate. It can be said that the root plate is necessary and very important in the whole creation of bonsai natural trees. whether the root plate is good or not has a significant impact on the artistic value and appreciation value of the works. The beautiful root plate referred to in the bonsai refers to the roots of the ground below Longji, extending in all directions, sometimes bending, sometimes hidden in the soil, and clinging to the ground, so as to keep the potted trees from being shaken. It is often said that the "four-sided root plate" is the most beautiful root disk. Second, Longji is normal.

  • How many years can the star anise tree live?

    How many years can the star anise tree live?

    Star anise gold plate, also known as star anise plate, diamond cotyledon, etc., is one of the genus Araliaceae in the dicotyledonous class, its leaves are similar to the palm of the hand, but the lobed leaves are about eight, so it is called star anise gold plate. Often used as landscaping plants planted next to big trees in rockery

    2020-11-08 Star anise gold plate tree can live how many years star anise also known as eight
  • Features of Octagonal Gold Plate

    Features of Octagonal Gold Plate

    It is named for its palm-shaped leaves, which appear to have eight horns and sometimes have golden edges. It blooms from October to November. Although the flowers are not gorgeous, they are very elegant.

  • The characteristics and symbols of star anise gold plate

    The characteristics and symbols of star anise gold plate

    Star anise gold plate gets its name because it has eight lobed leaves on its palm-shaped leaves, appears to have eight angles, and sometimes the edges are golden yellow. It blossoms from October to November, though it is not gorgeous, it is very elegant.

  • Culture methods and matters needing attention of the latest star anise gold plate

    Culture methods and matters needing attention of the latest star anise gold plate

    Star anise gold plate, also known as octagonal gold plate, octagonal gold plate, Jingangzu, etc., is an evergreen shrub or small tree of the family Araliaceae. It is often planted on the edge of a rockery or next to a big tree in the garden because of its palmelike leaves and about 8 lobed leaves, which seem to have 8 horns.

    2020-11-10 The latest star anise gold plate culture methods and matters needing attention
  • The culture methods and matters needing attention of star anise gold plate how to do with leaf drooping?

    The culture methods and matters needing attention of star anise gold plate how to do with leaf drooping?

    Star anise gold plate is a very famous wealth tree. If such a kind of wealth tree is planted, it is the rhythm of making money from all directions. How can star anise gold plate be cultivated well? What are the precautions in the process of appearance? What if the leaves droop in the course of breeding?

  • How to save water when planting Chinese chestnut in mountainous area

    How to save water when planting Chinese chestnut in mountainous area

    Tree plate grass mulching is an economical, convenient and labor-saving technical measure. It can make full use of the weeds growing on the edge of the hillside and the straw after crop harvest, which can not only store water and preserve soil moisture, but also increase soil organic matter and enhance soil ventilation and permeability.

    2020-11-08 Mountain planting chestnut how to save water tree plate grass mulching yes a
  • A brief introduction to the propagation method and price of star anise

    A brief introduction to the propagation method and price of star anise

    Octagonal gold plate is very good-looking, but also one of the rich trees, many people are very fond of raising, octagonal gold plate breeding method is what kind of it? What kind of plant is octagonal golden plate? What's the price? The propagation method of star anise golden disk: usually dividing plants and sowing propagation

  • Farmers say it was once a cure for the poor, and now it costs 60 yuan a jin to make a fortune.

    Farmers say it was once a cure for the poor, and now it costs 60 yuan a jin to make a fortune.

    As the saying goes, "rely on the mountain to make a living, rely on the water to draw water". It is very suitable for farmers living in rural mountainous areas, while in the rural mountains, there are all kinds of wild plant resources.

  • Potted methods of star anise gold plate and matters needing attention in culture (picture)

    Potted methods of star anise gold plate and matters needing attention in culture (picture)

    Star anise gold plate, also known as octagonal gold plate, octagonal gold plate, Jingangzu, etc., is an evergreen shrub or small tree of the family Araliaceae. It is famous for its palmlike leaves, about 8 lobed leaves, which seem to have 8 horns. It is often planted on the edge of rockery or beside big trees in gardens, and can also be used as foliage plants for indoor, hall and hall furnishings.

  • Where can I sell star anise gold plate seeds? What are the methods of raising seedlings?

    Where can I sell star anise gold plate seeds? What are the methods of raising seedlings?

    Star anise gold plate is a kind of evergreen tree species, its leaves show palm-shaped a total of eight horns, so it has its name. Star anise is native to the gardens of southern Japan, North China, East China and Kunming, Yunnan. It has high medicinal value and has certain medicinal value.

    2020-11-27 Star anise gold plate seeds where have sell raise seedlings methods which
  • Culture methods and matters needing attention of star anise gold plate

    Culture methods and matters needing attention of star anise gold plate

    Culture methods and matters needing attention of star anise gold plate

  • How to model bonsai? Bonsai modeling method

    How to model bonsai? Bonsai modeling method

    Bonsai is a kind of display with a long history in our country, which makes woody plants, herbs or water, stone, etc., after artistic processing, planting or arrangement in the basin, making it a microcosm of nature. According to different materials, bonsai can be divided into two categories: tree Toona bonsai and landscape bonsai.

  • The main points of making miniature bonsai

    The main points of making miniature bonsai

    Miniature bonsai is now a lot of people like, some flower friends want to make a pot, but do not know the specific method. The editor will introduce you to the method of making miniature bonsai, and friends who like it can learn about it together. In fact, it is not difficult to make miniature bonsai.

  • How to grow covered plates the planting methods and matters needing attention

    How to grow covered plates the planting methods and matters needing attention

    Covered plate is a common fruit, its shape is a little similar to strawberries, are red. The taste of the covered plate is sour and sweet, and it can be seen every summer when it is ripe. Raspberry has high medicinal value, so it attracts a lot of people to buy it.

    2020-11-08 Cover plate how plant method and points for attention cover
  • Water-saving technology of Chinese chestnut in mountainous area

    Water-saving technology of Chinese chestnut in mountainous area

    Chestnut stem blight, also known as chestnut carcass blight, chestnut rot, chestnut blight, is one of the main diseases of chestnut. It occurred in all the main chestnut producing areas in China, and some of them suffered seriously, and the chestnut planted in Nanxiong also suffered seriously. The bark of the killed chestnut tree rotted and the tree became weak, which resulted in dead branches and dead trees. First, danger.

  • What are the environmental requirements of the star anise gold plate?

    What are the environmental requirements of the star anise gold plate?

    Star anise gold plate, known as eight gold plate, eight hands, hand tree, originated in Taiwan and Japan. Like warm, afraid of extreme heat, more resistant to moisture, afraid of drought, extremely resistant to shade, afraid of strong light exposure, strong resistance to harmful gases, suitable for growing in shady environment and humid, loose and fertile soil, winter temperature should not be lower than minus 5 degrees

  • Love wood bonsai I how to choose a good bonsai

    Love wood bonsai I how to choose a good bonsai

    The reason why bonsai can become a work of art, of course, must have certain conditions, according to the conventional appreciation point of view, on the premise of natural beauty, we should pay attention to the following aspects: the first item of a plate of fine bonsai.

  • Do you know what potted wide screen is? That is, the smallest cultivation space presents the richest scenery.

    Do you know what potted wide screen is? That is, the smallest cultivation space presents the richest scenery.

    The focus of potted plants is to show the largest picture and scenery in the smallest cultivation space. This kind of overall visual tension is seen through a small part, which is not only the charming charm of potted plants, but also the fun pursued by potted people. The beauty of potted plants lies in the appearance of natural features.

  • The corrective method of bonsai root

    The corrective method of bonsai root

    The longer the pot is cultivated, the more beautiful the root plate will be, so the age and age of the pot tree can be judged by the root plate. In order to make a potted plant with a good root plate, it is necessary to use a shallow basin to pile the soil slightly higher than the basin surface, so that the root straddles the high basin soil, slightly exposes the soil surface, expands in all directions, and is exposed to the sun to accelerate its growth and change.
